Monday, December 29, 2008

A Look Back at 2008

As I look back on 2008, I am filled with a lot of emotions. I am definitely going into 2009 a different person. I feel that in one year I have grown a lot, learned a lot about myself, life, and others, and experienced a lot of things, many for the first time. I laughed, cried (a lot), struggled, rejoiced, traveled, regretted things, conquered fears, and crossed things off my 2008 “To do list”. I made new friends, and made memories that will last a lifetime. I do know that this time last year if you would have told me I would have done, and been through half the things I did I would not have believed you. This year has been good in many ways but also has been very hard.

One thing I learned a lot about in this crazy year is trust. There were many things that I felt I had control over but I didn’t. God ultimately has control over everything and I had to learn in some hard ways that I was being very controlling and I had to give that up and trust that He had things under control and that I have to trust Him especially in dark times. After a rollercoaster of a year, I am anticipating 2009 and greeting it with open arms. I am still unsure of a lot of things, but what I have learned from this past year is to take things one day at a time, and enjoy each and every moment of every day! I am so thankful for the life God has given me, and I am praying that 2009 allows me to: travel a lot, find my dream, be where God wants me to be, change the world, serve others, buy a car, meet more people, and continue to trust wholeheartedly in the Lord!

I do have to give a shout out to Danilee and Tommy Smith. Without them in my life, and their friendship I would not have been able to experience half of the things in did in 2008. Thank you guys so much for investing in my life, being there for me, pushing me, and allowing me into your lives. I love you both so much and will forever cherish the memories I have had this past year!

Just for fun, here are some of the many “Firsts” I experienced this year :) Enjoy.
My “Firsts” of 2008

My first time on a plane
My first trip to AK/west coast
My first car (bought w/ my own money and then sold in less than 2 months :) )
My first “real” date
My first time witnessing a birth
My first (and last) Masters degree
My first trip to TX (in a truck with 3 other adults and a newborn)
My first time working in the food/coffee industry and my first time being a manager
My first time leading a small group
My first year maintaining my weight loss
My first time going two steppin (with real cowboys even :) )
My first real rodeo (sorry Lynchburg peeps….bull bucking in Boonsboro is not a “real” rodeo)
My first time on a cruise boat
My first time seeing the beautiful breathtaking Mt. McKinley (from land and air!) and the Rockies
My first time swimming in a natural hot springs
My first time trying and enjoying sushi
My first time being a wedding photographer
My first time shooting a gun :)
My first time hiking a glacier
My first time eating fresh caught AK salmon (amazing!)
My first time taking communion w/ tortillas (at a church in TX, not bread or crackers…tortillas..gotta love TX) :)
My first time seeing a nonstop sunset for 5 +hours (and numerous "sunsets" at 12 midnight)
My first time being in daylight 24/7 for 2 ½ months and seeing no darkness
My first time living w/ boys
My first time sleeping on a cot (for 2 ½ months)
My first time experiencing 40 degrees below 0
My first time seeing a moose in the wild and a whale in the ocean
My first time witnessing a cow branding
My first time riding a horse (I rode one before at “snow camp” and didn’t really ride, just got on and got off).
My first time as an official VA resident (no longer a PA resident!)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas Time is Here

So it’s been a couple weeks since I last updated. Life is getting busy again: lots of gatherings, lots of activities, and committments but I thrive on busyness.....sometimes it gets to be too much to handle but I would rather be busy than bored with nothing to do. Christmas is next week and it’s hard to believe it’s here. It seems like yesterday I landed in the August heat and humidity at the Philadelphia airport coming back from Alaska.

I know a lot of people are affected by the economy this Christmas, and me being a giving person, this Christmas is very different. I do not have the funds to buy a lot of gifts like I normally do. I love the act of giving but this Christmas I believe will be special for many because a lot of people don’t have the finances to do so. I think this year is a time to reflect on what Christmas is really all about. It gives families the ability to be creative in making homemade gifts, or give nothing at all, just to spend that time with each other and forget all the “commercial” aspects of Christmas time and embrace the birth of Christ and enjoy the time to get together with family and friends you do not see often. I know for me, it has allowed me to take a step back and instead of worrying about what to get everyone on my huge gift list and going in and out of tons of stores to get the “perfect” gift for everyone, I have had time to really enjoy spending time with friends and soon family and just enjoy their company in this season. I think the bad economy has allowed at least me to find simple happiness and joy this holiday season instead of worry, anxiety, and spending tons of money. I am thankful for where I am at, even if I don’t want to be here. This year has been humbling and I am excited to see where the Lord takes me in 2009 :)