Ok so it has been a couple days since i have blogged, so i will fill you in on what is going on.
Saturday me, Danilee, Ryley, Trent and Tommy went to Chena Lake. It is very small but they have a little sand beach to lay out, and Tommy got a small boat and took that a long. I laid out (at 7pm :) ) and played with Ryley in the sand and water, and went out on the water with Tommy for a spin on the boat. It was a fun day, and I got a little bit of color to my pasty white skin :).
Sunday we tried a new church called Friends Community Church. It is the only church I have been to up here that is even remotely like Brentwood, and for the first time in over a month I felt like I was at Brentwood again. They had a coffee shop, the people were soooo friendly, the music was contemporary, the crowd was younger, and the teaching was similar (nothing compared to Jon Dupin's but for the first time in a while I felt that I learned something and had the intimacy with God during worship that I have Sundays at Brentwood). We went to the introduction class after church to learn more. There were somethings I didn't agree with, but doctrinally they are on point so I am excited to start going there on Sundays. They have small groups and singles meetings during the week and I would love to get connected into something so I can meet more people. After that Dina and went to Barnes and relaxed and then went out for some frozen Alaskan custard, then went home to find that two guys Garrett and Lee were at the house with the rest of the gang. We ordered pizza, talked and then had a Bible study on Philippians. It was good discussion and I enjoyed their company.
Monday I took Dina to work, went to the gym where I worked out and went swimming, then me, Danilee, Trent, and Ryley went to Subway for lunch, we dropped Dina off at work and went to Wal-Mart and then went home.
Today I dropped Dina off, went to work out, then came home, uploaded some pictures and wrote some emails, ate dinner and went to pick Dina up. It was a beautiful day, about 80 degrees so I enjoyed the time in the car and outside.
Tomorrow Dina is off, and it is supposed to be a beautiful day again so I think we are going to get up early and go do a bunch of touristy Fairbanks things. There is a place called Pioneer Park which is a place that they say everyone has to go that visits Fairbanks. I am excited to spend the day there and we might go do some other fun stuff while we can. So, I am really looking forward to tomorrow.
Well its about 10pm here so I am going to get some stuff together and get ready for bed. I will update you all on how my adventures are tomorrow. :)
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