Friday, July 11, 2008

Lazy Day

So today was Dina's first day at work (Sam's Club). I got up and drove her there and then went to talk to the manager of American Eagle to see if I could get an interview set up. She told me what everyone told me.....i am too late to apply for the summer and they are looking for people to commit to staying through the still no job and its July 11. Sad day! After that I drove over to Barnes and Noble, ordered my first Starbucks coffee since I have been here (Yes, I was going through w/drawl) sat in a comfy chair by the fireplace, did my devos and read a lot of magazines. It was nice to be out of the house, away from people and by myself for once in a long time. Danilee called around noon and wanted to meet up w/ me so we could go to the gym. I met up w/ her and we spend a while in Wal Mart and then went to Sams club. Dina had gotten off for lunch so she met up w/ us for 30 mins. By that time it was 2:30pm and we had to go back to pick her up at 5:30. So me, Danilee and the baby went to the bank and then Danilee and I sat in the parking lot and talked for a while.

Nothing special happened today, but I enjoyed the time to myself, my starbucks coffee, the beautiful warm weather, and time to sit one on one w/ Danilee and talk about life, girl stuff, and just laugh. Now I am back to the house to eat dinner. I think I will go on a walk after that. I get scared walking here b/c we live on the top of a mountain and the neighbors have spotted bears a few times in the past, so I get nervous walking on the road b/c I am always looking for moose or bears, but I might do it anyway :) After all its AK right. I am discouraged w/ not finding a job. I can't wait to be in a place where I can look for a career and not a three month job that I am "overqualified" for or that they don't want me b/c of the length of time I will be there. Well I am going to eat my Boca burger :) We will see what tomorrow holds. Talk to you then

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it absolutely necessary to tell them you're leaving? I mean, it isn't that honest, but if they won't hire you just on that, they're stupid. I hope you find something!

Will and I are doing something similar to what you did, but we're going to California... I think sometime in September or October. Whee!! So scary and exciting - I don't know what to think!
