Monday, January 12, 2009

This weekend was fun. Friday night I babysat for some friends. Saturday I got up early, went to Starbucks, did some window shopping, then went to my friend’s daughters 3rd birthday party. It was all adults but it was so cute to see her getting so excited about her cake and her presents. After that I went home to clean up the house a bit, took a nice long nap, and headed to Roanoke to go to a friend’s house for dinner. Their 5 year old daughter really wanted to spend the night w/ me and Dina so we packed her up and took her to our place. Sunday the three of us went to church (having a child to look after can be hard work). Church was great, and Jon talked about forgiveness. It was a challenging sermon and one that I think a lot of people needed, me included. After church I went to my friends Amber and Brian’s house for lunch and then Amber and I talked about a wedding we are planning together in May. Then I finished my house cleaning and enjoyed a relaxing evening.

My birthday is on Thursday (the big 25)so I am excited as the day approaches b/c Dina says there are some fun and exciting surprises in store. Tonight is small group and we are starting our first lesson on the book of Daniel (a Beth Moore study). So, I am excited to see what will happen this week!

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